This blog was recently added to the Keys to the City area on I appreciate the listing! I am trying to get the word out. I need contributors!
Myself and our chief photographer-"Giant" will be out and about this coming weekend to take pictures of construction progress.
News: It looks like Bad Brads BBQ is getting very close to opening. Also seems that the cinema parking lot is finally going to get paved. One downside to all the new businesses is that some of the smaller mom and pop stores have closed their doors. Of these is the Ice Cream Parlor over by Subway and another local ice cream store (a chain) La Patera closed (next to Blockbuster)
Commentary: A Day in the Life of a Small Town
Sometimes old sayings still ring true…such as “Behind every cloud there’s a silver lining”
Recently a local retailer accidentally swapped credit cards with me and another customer. The other customer didn’t look at the card. They stuffed it into their wallet and drove away. Unsure of what to do, I called the Portland Police Department. Our local "men and women in blue" where courteous and genuinely concerned throughout the ordeal. They contacted the other card holder, got our card back and even offered to come to our house to drop it off! It's reassuring to know that at least in our small town they still protect and serve-even when it turns out not to be a crime. Thanks guys!!!