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Friday, August 18, 2006

A Bank instead of an I-HOP in Portland Texas

Well sports fans the latest rumor is that instead a wonderful, much sough after I-HOP we are most likely getting guessed it... bank! Whoopee! Don't the folks over at North Shore have enough room to store their millions in the banks we already have!


Anonymous said...

Why would you want an IHOP when you have an Angie's Lil Cafe? The food there is better than any IHOP.

portland said...
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portland said...

Now that there's no smoking it's a much more viable place to go for non-smokers (eggs tasted like tobacco before). At the same time... variety is the spice of life! My opinion of Angie's is mixed; it has been at times good and then other times mediocre (mushy shrimp). We have relatives (and their friends) who are seniors & winter Texans and they love it because of the buffet and the prices –and good service. I appreciate the comment!